Saturday, April 5, 2008

Thing #16 Wikis

Wiki! Wiki! or Fast! I can say that is how this school year has been going. I thought I'd heard that term before (probably in Elvis' Blue Hawaii), but didn't associate it with technology. Actually I had heard of Wikis before, mostly because of Wikipedia and our technology liaison showing our school the one he'd created for us. I enjoyed "Wikis in Plain English" again despite seeing in class. It reminded me that wikis are instrumental in coordinating and organizing info. Two wikis I enjoyed were Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki and Library Bloggers Wiki. The first was chockful of info including Dr. Gail Dickison's tips on weeding (15 min./week-1 shelf/week), conferences, programming, seelling your library, selection/maintenance, etc. The second on Pedabloggy was really interesting. One section that I explored led me to Holly Room's Trout Song done to the tune of "Splish Splash" that kindergarteners had learned while studying trout from eggs to release.
All in all, I found a lot of helpful and interesting information in the wikis I visited. They are good for someone like me who is limited in knowledge of HTML or other markup language. One of the cons listed for them (vandalism) was noted in a wiki that said due to recent vandalism, contributors are required to list an email before allowed into the site. Teachers/librarians who are control freaks probably wouldn't handle wikis well. I lked one particular idea of annotating a catalog (classroom books even) with a wiki to post reviews. The other ideas given in conjunction with lesson provided food for thought.

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